How to Remove Sublimation Ink from Shirts, Mugs, Tumblers

When I first started working with sublimation ink, I quickly realized that removing it from various substrates could be challenging. Accidents happen, you cannot avoid them, and knowing how to remove sublimation ink stains is the key to fix printing mistakes.

Whether you are a DIY enthusiast or a professional in the sublimation industry, ink-credible messes always happen on your favorite shirt, mug, tumbler, etc. And, to fix these accidental spills and faded designs may require you to tackle sublimation ink spots.

So, let’s roll up your sleeve and discover the techniques to mastering the art of sublimation ink removal. I have tested these steps on polyester shirts, ceramic mugs, glass and stainless steel tumblers.

remove dye sublimation ink


How to Remove Sublimation Ink from Shirts

Sublimation dyes are permanent, very strong and anti-vapor, hence, removing them can be a difficult process. I’ve been printing sublimation designs on shirts for a few years now, especially on polyester, and I’ve learned a few things about removing sublimation ink from shirts when things don’t go as planned.

remove sublimation ink from tshirt

Here are a few methods that have been effective in removing sublimation ink from fabric:


1. Using Denatured Alcohol Process

This method has been my go-to solution for removing sublimation ink from polyester shirts. Here’s how to proceed:


Things Required:

  • Denatured alcohol
  • Clean cloth
  • Cotton pads
  • Cold water



1. Begin by obtaining a clean cloth and saturating it with denatured alcohol, which you can find at most hardware stores.

2. Gently dab the stained area with the alcohol-soaked cloth, being careful not to rub too vigorously.

3. Continue dabbing until you notice the ink starting to lift from the fabric.

4. For edges and small spots, you can use cotton pads – soak a pad and gently rub on the sublimation ink, do not rub hard.

5. Once all the desired ink has been removed, rinse the garment thoroughly with cold water to remove any residue. You can mix a mild detergent for proper cleaning and to give a fresher look to your favorite shirt.

Note: You can use the same steps to remove sublimation ink from polyester shirts using rubbing alcohol.


2. Applying Heat to Remove Sublimation Ink from Shirts

Heat can work wonders when it comes to removing sublimation ink stains from shirts. And the beauty of step is that it can be done using a household iron.


Things Required:

  • Pieces of clean white cloth, or paper towels
  • Iron (without steam)



1. Place the shirt straight on a flat surface (preferred iron table).

2. Put a piece of clean cloth or paper towel over the ink stain on the shirt.

3. Set your iron to a low heat setting, ensuring that there is no steam.

4. Gently press the iron on top of the cloth, applying light pressure for a few seconds.

5. Lift the cloth and check if the sublimation ink is transferring onto it. If it is, replace the cloth with a clean one and repeat the process until the stain disappears.

6. Once all the desired ink is removed, it is advised to rinse the shirt thoroughly with soap water.

Be cautious not to use high heat or press the iron directly on the fabric, as it may cause damage. Low and slow wins the ink-removal race!


3. Using Soda Water Chemical Solution at Home

For those looking for a DIY solution to remove sublimation ink from shirts, a soda water chemical solution can come to the rescue.


Things Required:

  • Bowl
  • Equal amounts of soda water and plain water
  • Detergent



1. Create a mixture of equal parts soda water and water in a bowl.

2. Dip a clean cloth into the solution and gently dab the ink stain on the shirt.

3. Continue dabbing until you observe the ink starting to fade.

4. Rinse the fabric with cold water to remove any remaining traces of the soda water solution.

Note: this method is only effective for massive spills and to remove the ink from the entire shirt, not just a little spot. Plus, this method cannot be used to remove sublimation ink from old prints.


4. Using a Pressure Washer Machine

If you have access to a pressure washer machine, this method can be highly effective in removing sublimation ink from shirts. Here’s how to proceed:


Things Required:

  • Pressure washer machine
  • Flat surface for positioning the shirt outdoors
  • Water source



1. Place the stained shirt in a secure position outdoors, preferably on a clean flat surface.

2. Set up the pressure washer machine, temperature should be 50 to 55 degrees and pressure at 45 PSI.

3. Adjust the pressure and nozzle to a suitable level for the fabric, avoiding jet output and high pressure that could damage the shirt.

4. Direct the pressure washer stream at the ink stain, moving in a controlled and consistent manner.

5. Keep a distance from the shirt to prevent excessive force on the fabric.

6. Continue spraying until the ink starts to fade, but be mindful not to overdo it or stay in one spot for too long.

7. Afterward, wash the shirt with soapy water and then rinse it with clean water to remove any residue.


How to Remove Sublimation Ink from Mugs

I’ve been using sublimation ink to print on ceramic mugs for a few years now, and I’ve made many mistakes. One of the most frustrating things is when you make a mistake and the ink doesn’t come out right.

In the past, I’ve had to throw away mugs because I couldn’t get the ink off. But I’ve recently learned a few tricks that have helped me to remove sublimation ink from mugs without damaging them.

Read about sublimation mugs vs. regular mugsin detail.

remove sublimation ink from mug

Here, I am sharing three methods that have proven successful in my experience, along with step-by-step instructions:


1. Removing Sublimation Ink from Mugs with Nail Polish Remover

Nail polish remover, with its powerful solvents, can be a valuable ally in the battle against sublimation ink stains on ceramic mugs. This is the easiest and my favorite method to remove sublimation ink from cups and mugs.


Things Required:

  • Nail polish remover with acetone
  • Cotton balls or clean cloth
  • Mild dish soap
  • Warm water

Non-acetone nail polish remover will also work, but the results won’t be as good as with acetone in it.



1. Dampen a cotton ball or clean cloth with acetone nail polish remover.

2. Gently rub the sublimation ink stain on the mug, using circular motions.

3. Continue rubbing until you see the ink stain starting to fade, dampen the cotton balls multiple times during this process.

4. Rinse the mug thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining nail polish remover.

5. Wash the mug with mild dish soap and warm water (preferably).

6. Rinse again to ensure all residue is removed.

7. Allow the mug to air dry completely.

Here’s a detailed guide on cleaning sublimation ink with acetone.

Video Tutorial on Removing Sublimation Ink from Mug

2. Remove Sublimation Ink from a Mug Using White Vinegar

White vinegar, a versatile household item, can also work wonders in removing infusible ink stains from ceramic mugs.


Things Required:

  • White vinegar
  • Warm water
  • A bowl
  • Sponge or cloth
  • Paper towel



1. Create a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and warm water in a bowl.

2. Dip a sponge or cloth into the vinegar solution.

3. Gently scrub the sublimation ink stain on the mug with the vinegar-soaked sponge or cloth.

4. Continue scrubbing until you see the ink stain fading.

5. Once all the sublimation ink is removed, wash the mug with soap and rinse it thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining vinegar solution.

6. Wipe the extra water with a paper towel and allow the mug to dry completely.


How to Remove Sublimation Ink from Tumblers

Cleaning sublimation ink stains on stainless steel tumblers was a frustrating process, because I didn’t want to scratch the shine of the metal surface.

But after messing up a couple of my favorite tumblers, I have discovered effective methods that have worked wonders in restoring the pristine appearance of my tumblers. Let’s explore these techniques:

remove sublimation ink from tumbler

1. Cleaning the Tumbler with Vinegar

Vinegar, with its acidic properties, is a powerful ally in removing sublimation ink stains from stainless steel tumblers.


Things Required:

  • A bowl
  • White vinegar
  • Warm water
  • A soft sponge
  • A clean cloth



1. First mix the vinegar and warm water in a bowl to create a cleaning mixture, keep the quantity equal.

2. Dip a soft sponge into the vinegar solution to dampen it.

3. Gently scrub the sublimation ink stain on the tumbler with a damped sponge, focusing on the affected area.

4. Continue scrubbing until you see the ink stain starting to fade, and eventually wipe out.

5. Rinse the tumbler thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining vinegar solution and ink residue.

6. Dry the tumbler with a clean cloth to prevent water spots.

If you want to remove all the sublimation ink from a tumbler, dip the tumbler completely in the vinegar and water solution for about 15 minutes. I have experienced that this process loosens up the ink pigments and it becomes easier to remove it just with a few scrubs.


2. Cleaning the Tumbler with Dish Detergent and Water

Sometimes, a simple solution from household items can be highly effective in removing sublimation ink stains from metal tumblers. Who thought a dish detergent could do wonders? Well, let’s find out how:


Things Required:

  • Mild dish detergent
  • Warm water
  • Cleaning sponge
  • Clean cloth



1. Squirt a small amount of mild dish detergent onto a soft sponge, and make sure the sponge does not have any harsh scrubbing particles.

2. Moisten the sponge with warm water to create a soapy solution.

3. Gently scrub the sublimation ink stain on the tumbler using the soapy sponge.

4. Continue scrubbing until you see the ink stain lightening (it’ll take a few tries).

5. Once you’ve removed all the unwanted ink, rinse the tumbler thoroughly with water to remove any soap residue and ink particles.

6. Dry the tumbler with a clean cloth to prevent water spots.


3. Remove Sublimation Ink from Tumbler Using a Mild Abrasive

For more stubborn sublimation ink stains on stainless steel tumblers, employing a mild abrasive can provide that extra cleaning power.

I wouldn’t advise using a brush or any other scrubbing material (even a mild one) because it could end up leaving some scratchy marks. Baking soda is best with mild abrasive properties to remove sublimation ink from metal, glass, and ceramic substrates.


Things Required:

  • Baking soda
  • Water
  • Gloves
  • Soft sponge or soft cloth
  • Paper towel



1. Put on safety gloves to protect your hands.

2. Create a paste by mixing baking soda with a small amount of water in a bowl. The consistency should be thick but spreadable.

3. Apply the baking soda paste to the sublimation ink stain on the tumbler, covering the affected area.

4. Gently scrub the stain using a soft sponge or cloth, using circular motions.

5. Continue scrubbing until the sublimation ink is removed completely.

6. Rinse the tumbler thoroughly with excessive water to remove any residual baking soda.

7. Wipe out the tumbler with a paper towel to dry it completely.


4. Removing Sublimation Ink from Tumbler with a Heat Gun

When sublimation ink stains cling stubbornly to your favorite tumbler, sometimes you need to bring out the big guns, or in this case, a heat gun. Using a heat gun can be an effective method for removing sublimation ink stains from metal tumblers.


Things Required:

  • Heat gun
  • Protective gloves
  • Soft cloth or paper towel
  • Mild dish soap
  • Warm water



1. Put on protective gloves to ensure your safety while handling the heat gun and hot surfaces.

2. Set the heat gun to a low or medium setting. It’s important not to use high heat as it can damage the tumbler’s surface.

3. Hold the heat gun approximately 6 to 8 inches away from the sublimation ink stain on the tumbler.

4. Start moving the heat gun in a back-and-forth motion across the stained area. Keep the heat gun constantly moving to avoid concentrating the heat on one spot for too long, which could potentially damage the tumbler.

5. As the heat gun warms the sublimation ink, you will notice the ink starting to soften and melt, and make bubbles.

6. Take a soft cloth or paper towel and gently wipe away the melted ink from the tumbler. Be cautious as the tumbler may still be hot.

7. Continue applying heat and wiping away the ink until the stain is completely removed. Depending on the intensity of the stain, this may require multiple passes with the heat gun.

8. Once the stain is gone, allow the tumbler to cool down before proceeding to the next step.

9. Wash the tumbler with mild dish soap and warm water to remove any remaining ink residue and to ensure it is clean and ready for use.

10. Rinse the tumbler thoroughly with warm water to remove any soap residue, and wipe out the excess water with a paper towel.


Safety Precautions:

  • Always exercise caution when using a heat gun. Ensure proper ventilation and avoid pointing the heat gun at yourself or others.
  • Do not use high heat settings, as this can damage the tumbler’s surface or cause burn marks.
  • Be mindful of the surrounding area to prevent any accidents or damage.


How to Remove Sublimation Ink from Heat Press

Sublimation ink gets transferred from a sublimation paper onto a substrate like shirts, mugs, tumblers, etc. using a heat press machine. However, sometimes the ink can accidentally get spilled or splattered onto the heat press itself.

If this happens, it is important to remove the ink as soon as possible to prevent it from hardening and becoming difficult to remove. After battling a few times, I have discovered the best method to remove sublimation ink from the heat press to restore the cleanliness of my machine.


Things Required:

  • Heat-resistant gloves
  • Soft cloth or sponge
  • Mild dish soap
  • Warm water
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Cotton swabs
  • Paper towel



1. Ensure that your heat press machine is turned off and has completely cooled down before starting the cleaning process. This will prevent any accidental burns.

2. Put on heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands during the cleaning process.

3. Dampen a soft cloth or sponge with a mixture of mild dish soap and warm water.

4. Gently wipe down the surface of the heat press machine, focusing on areas with visible sublimation ink stains. Be careful not to use excessive force that could damage the machine.

5. For stubborn ink stains, moisten a cotton swab with isopropyl alcohol and carefully rub the stained area. The alcohol will help dissolve the ink and make it easier to remove.

6. Continue wiping and gently scrubbing until the sublimation ink stains are fully removed from the heat press. If needed, repeat the process with fresh soapy water and isopropyl alcohol.

7. Once the stains are gone, rinse the cloth or sponge thoroughly to remove any remaining ink and soap residue.

8. Dampen the cloth with clean water and wipe down the heat press machine to remove any remaining soap residue.

9. Wipe out the remaining water with a paper towel and allow the machine to air dry completely before using it again.

Note: you can use the same method to remove sublimation ink from the sublimation printer. Make sure not to use access water (which means the cloth must not be dripping wet) as the water can damage the printer – just dampen it.


Safety Precautions:

  • Always ensure that the heat press machine is turned off and cooled down before cleaning to avoid any potential burns.
  • Wear heat-resistant gloves to protect your hands from heat and chemicals.
  • Use mild dish soap and avoid using harsh or abrasive cleaners that could damage the surface of the machine.


Additional Tips and Considerations

When it comes to removing sublimation ink, there are a few additional tips and considerations to keep in mind. By being aware of common mistakes, taking necessary precautions, and following best practices, you can ensure a successful and hassle-free ink removal process.

Let me share some personal insights to help you navigate the process more effectively and avoid common issues.

Remember, taking precautions and testing methods beforehand can save you from potential mishaps. Here are my top recommendations:


Avoid Common Mistakes

Avoid using harsh chemicals, such as bleach or strong solvents, as they can damage the surface you are trying to clean.

Scrubbing too hard can cause the ink to spread or embed further into the material. Use gentle and controlled movements during the cleaning process. I prefer scrubbing in a uniform circular motion.


Precautions and Best Practices

When working with cleaning agents like isopropyl alcohol or vinegar, ensure you are in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling fumes.

Always wear cleaning gloves (latex gloves preferably) to protect your hands from chemicals, and consider wearing protective eyewear if there’s a risk of splashing.

If you decide to use a specific cleaning product, carefully read and follow the instructions and warnings provided by the manufacturer.

Some sublimation ink stains may require multiple attempts and patience to remove completely. Don’t rush the process and allow sufficient time for the cleaning agent to work.


Test on a Small Area

Before applying any cleaning method or solution to a larger, visible area, it is crucial to test it on a small, less prominent area first. This allows you to assess its effectiveness and potential side effects on the material.

Apply the cleaning agent or method to a hidden corner and observe any adverse reactions like color fading, fabric damage, or surface changes. If there are no negative effects, proceed with confidence.

Removing sublimation ink from wood is almost impossible, we do not recommend trying any method!


Final Words

By now you must have known how to remove sublimation ink from garments, ceramic mugs, and metal tumblers. By following the methods and tips I’ve shared from my experience, you can effectively tackle those stubborn stains and restore your beloved items to their former glory.

Whether you opt for the denatured alcohol process, heat application, homemade soda water solution, or other methods discussed, remember to practice caution, test on a small area first, and avoid common mistakes.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a way to remove sublimation ink?

There are a few methods that can be used to remove sublimation ink, but we do not recommend trying them yourself. If you need to remove the ink, please contact a professional imaging company for assistance.


How do you get sublimation ink out of polyester?

Sublimation ink can be removed from polyester using acetone. However, acetone can also damage the surface that the ink is printed on. For this reason, we do not recommend using acetone to remove sublimation ink. If you need to remove the ink, follow the method explained above or contact a professional imaging company for assistance.


How do you fix sublimation mistakes?

Fixing sublimation mistakes requires a blend of creativity and problem-solving. Here are some unique approaches to rectify those sublimation blunders:

Embrace the Art of Sublimation Cover-ups: Get crafty with sublimation cover-ups by incorporating additional designs, patches, or decoration. Transform that accidental ink smudge into a purposeful element that adds character and uniqueness to your creation.

Experiment with Sublimation Layering: Layering is a powerful technique that can help conceal minor sublimation mishaps. Consider adding another sublimation transfer over the affected area to mask or divert attention from the mistake.


Can I remove sublimation ink with vinegar?

You can remove sublimation ink with vinegar, but it may not be completely effective.


Does sublimation ink wash out?

Nope, sublimation ink doesn’t easily wash out like regular ink. It’s a stubborn little creature that loves to cling to fabrics.


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